Thursday, April 10, 2008


Last night, Ken and Jennifer and the kids finished playing Uno and the kids went to bed, I had finished blogging, and smoked my nightly cigarette. I was gonna head to bed. I wasn’t tired, I was just going to go to bed cause it was 10pm and nothing to do. Ken asked if I wanted to watch a scary movie (in hopes of getting Jennifer to go into labor). He has to get up at 6am, so I was like, "are you sure? You’re the one that has to wake up early". So we talked about what movie to watch and decided on "The Mist". Jennifer doesn’t like scary movies, but we convinced her to sit with us and watch it anyway. For those that know me, I HATE BUGS!!!! This stupid movie, was about bugs in the mist (alien, robotic, outer space bugs!) DAMN IT! So, we finish the movie and clean up and I head ouside to smoke another cigarette.
"HOLY CRAP!!!!!! Have you seen these stars you have out here?" The sky was so dark and clear. The stars, there were so many and they were so bright. You can hear an owl hooting in the distance, a bird swawking, coyote howling and dogs barking. I sat staring up in the sky, making "pictures" out of the stars (one set of stars looked like the spiders that were in the movie we watched!!!), and listening to the background sounds. Ken and Jennifer came outside and sat on the stairs with me. We were trying to identify different sounds in the distance. Looking at the stars. Talking about living out in the boonies. It was quite chilly and I could hear Jennifer chattering and shivering. I finished my cigarette and we headed inside. It was so beautiful. It reminded me of camp when I was young. If it weren’t so cold and I wasn’t such a baby, I’d have camped out! LOL.
I’m a city girl, born and raised (Chicago)! I don’t think I could survive in the country or "50 minutes drive from town"! I love having Walmart one mile away, and fast food alley 4 blocks away. But every now and then, like last night, I can see the draw to boonie life! The amount of land out here too that they have for a yard would also be a huge plus!!!!!!! Altho, I probably would not be raising goats. LOL We have to drive thru the mountains (a National park) to get to town. It’s so beautiful here. I’ll take the camera when we go to town for Jennifer’s prenatal appointment today and take some pictures. There is a military base here, Jennifer wants us to try to get transferred too (she’s been trying for 3 years to talk us into it!), but there is no way. David could not handle the heat! LOL He sweats at 32 degrees! Alright, off to get ready.