Friday, April 4, 2008

Off to Arizona

I am going to Tucson Arizona. My best friend, Jennifer, is due to have a baby (approximately April 12), she’s having a home birth (so excited!!!!). I am leaving here April 5th at 430am and the plane takes off at 630am and will arrive at 930am. I am taking Christianna and leaving David home with the boys. I will return about 1pm on April 19th.
Here I am sitting on the computer. I’m not ready, I’m totally procrastinating. I’m scared, nerveous, worried, etc. This is Christianna’s first time on a plane, she doesn’t travel well, doesn’t sleep well when traveling (Chicago trip in Dec/Jan was hell!!!!!!!!!), etc. This is David’s first time home alone with kids (and dogs and cats) for more then 2 days! The weather here still feels "winter" to me, but the weather there is summery. I can’t wrap my brain around the clothes I need to bring! I need to bring a carseat, which is cutting into my packing abilities. Just in case she has a girl, I had wanted to bring a couple "girly" outfits (she has 3 boys). On top of that, she asked if I was bringing any scrap stuff. UH, NO!!!!!!!!!! Ken and Jennifer are vegan (no meat, animal products, etc), I am a total junk food carnivore. Jennifer went to the store (first time she’s been in a regular grocery store in 10 years!) yesterday and while I was on the phone with her, picked up some things to tide me and Christianna over for the first day or so. She got a gallon of milk, Honey Bunches of Oats cereal, two burritoes for me, and Christianna two "Banquet" meals (chicken nugget and corn dog) and a loaf of bread. I told her, why don’t we just stop at the store on the way home from the airport? She said, well I don’t want you to have to worry about shopping right away. She lives in the country and it’s a 20 minute drive to the nearest anything! Okay, so what if she goes into labor and has the baby Sunday night then? We’re stuck eating MILLET and TOFU! I’m not a bird or rabbit!!!! (I love her, but she’s crazy! HAHAHA) I asked her where the closest McDonalds was and she didn’t even know, but said that Ken could bring stuff home for me on the way home from work, LOL...poor Ken (he loves the carivore junk food to, but only eats it at work)!
I am so many emotions right now, I can’t see straight. And here I am sitting on the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am taking the laptop, so hopefully I’ll still get to email and myspace! LMAO. Okay, David took kids outside to ride bikes, I’m going to pack. CRIMENY! Wish me luck!!!!