Monday, April 7, 2008


I really didn’t intend this trip to be a vacation. But so far, it has turned out to be just that. Chrisitanna is having a bit of a hard time. She’s not eating great and is kinda clingy. I only have one kid with me tho. The other 3 kids here aren’t mine; I don’t have to referee, clean up, cook, dicsipline, etc. Christianna is loving being outside, but she won’t let me out of her site, so we play in the yard in the playhouse and walk around the yard, play with the dogs or goats, I push her on Kyle’s little bike. Inside we color or play, she helps me play cards with the boys (Kenny is 12, Martin is 8 and Kyle is 4). Kyle is a bit "mothering" of Christianna, but for the most part, they are getting along great! The boys play peek a boo with her or sit and play with her. She’s certainly getting very dirty and worn out. It’s been fun and relaxing. I try to clear the table or ask where something is...Jennifer just says, "the boys will do it, it’s thier chore, don’t worry about it". Saturday and Sunday was living in a fog and I was barely functioning, and today I woke feeling better and refreshed. The only thing I’ve done now for three days pretty much other then recover, is play with my toddler and play on the computer!!!!!!!!!! WOW! This is awesome! So relaxing! I don’t know what to do with myself! Part of me wants to worry about what’s going on back at home. Think about "what’s next?" What’s for dinner. How am I going to pack? (in two weeks!) The other 75% of me wants to just chill and never mind, don’t worry about anything, don’t think about anything, etc. Woohoo!
I made a wish on a tootsie pop star that Jennifer go into labor tonight. Now that I’ve said it, it won’t happen, but maybe since I’m not verbally telling any one person, it will?! LOL. We’ll see. Better take my meds, go smoke my cigarette and head to bed, just in case!