Tuesday, April 8, 2008


June 2003 Ben and I went to visit Ken and Jennifer (they lived in California). They were due for thier 3rd baby. Jennifer was due June 10th, but she’d gone early with the other two, so I came out May 31-June 10. June 6, 2003 Ken and I watched "The Ring", Kenny, Martin, and Ben were playing in the bedroom, Jennifer doesn’t like scary movies, so she was watching her own show in her room. After "The Ring" was over, we cleaned up, put kids to bed, I went out and smoked my nightly cigarette, came in, and set up my bed. All of a sudden (just before midnight), Jennifer screamed. She’s always screaming tho, it was not a big deal. So I said "Jennifer, what’s the matter?" no answer...again I asked. Nothing. So I go in her room and she’s on her bed just staring at me. I thought she was teasing. I was laughing, saying "What’s the matter with you? Say something. If your faking it I’m gonna beat you!" Ken was standing next to her bed saying the same things pretty much. Then Jennifer starting talking...her water broke, she was having a contraction. We didn’t see the water in the bed because she had a pillow between her legs. Sure enough she showed us. We called the midwife (and birthing center), woke up the children (who had only been asleep for 15 minutes!), called Jennifer’s mom, got ready and headed to the birthing center. Now, her water broke at 11:45 pm, Kyle was born 1:35am! Martin was asleep in the "living room", Kenny and Ben splashed in the water Jennifer was birthing in. It was such an amazing experience. Ken was in the tub with Jennifer. I was sitting on the toilet which was at Jennifer’s head, rubbing her head, blowing on her, wiping her sweat, , whatever comfort she needed. I gave updates to her mom who was pacing back and forth and peeking in. Kenny (who was 8 at the time) did excellent. Jennifer only screamed about 4 times the entire labor, but one time Kenny got a little scared and cried a tad, we comforted him and explained what was going on. Reminded him that this was what we talked about and showed him would happen. After that, he and Ben were fine. They splashed in the water, played and didn’t fuss about anything. The midwife was very hands off. She checked Jennifer’s cervix a couple times, warmed up the tub water, gave us all suggestions to help her and her to alleviate the pain, or position change. Other then that, Ken birthed the baby. It was awesome! We were home by 730am. We came home, put everyone to bed and slept all day!!!!!! I left 3 days later.