Tuesday, January 13, 2009

8 week post surgical update

Well, It's been a while since I updated, so here goes...

November 20, 2008-I had a middle body lift (belt lipectomy) This Thursday is the end of my 8th post surgical week. I am WAYYYYYYYYYYYY better then any other updates!!!! I do still swell if up too long, so I do need to lay down and rest periodically thru the day, but barely any pain. The only pain I'm in really is the occasional, twinge or burn, or pull if I move a wrong way. Most my resting is due to lack of stamina, or excess of swellig. I have to wear this "body shaper" thing (goes from my breast bone down to my knees!) for 6 weeks. The doctor was very happy at my Dec. 31 appt. I will go back February 11 for my "after" pictures. We had David's brother and family here before Christmas and then David's dad here for Christmas and after. I had so much activity and "hostessing" and events that I ended up laid up from Christmas afternoon and for the following 4 days! The kids really enjoyed thier visit with thier Papa, but I ended up in bed nearly his whole visit. LUCKILY, he's very understnading and I warned him before hand and he was completely understanding and empethetic! I have been able to do a lot more in the way of house keeping and taking care of the kids. Even though I don't like driving-I am now driivng again-as of Jan. 5. As of January 6th, I returned to teaching at church. I went to the YMCA for a bit tonight (for the first time since August!) while Benjamin was at Royal Rangers. I walked at a pace of 2 mph, on a 3 incline fo 20 minutes, then did 2 minutes of elliptical (ONLY 2 min!!!), then a few reps of back press, leg and arm presses. I attempted to do an AB press, but the first one seemed "too light" for me, so I upped the weight and realized it was too much, but contined to try, so a total of 3 and had to quit...I hurt myself a bit, so i gathered the kids and left (it was time to pick up Ben anyway). I'm going to try to make it to the gym every Tuesday (except next week as Ben has a presentation that night!) while Ben is at RR and every Wed. before church, even if just to "go" there, even if I don't take classes-to get in the routine and walk for a bit. I am definitly ready to get my energy and strength back. Also would like to get into a morning Y workout routine too, BUT, little at a time I guess. Heck I can't even get motivated to make it ot the driveway to get the morning paper yet! LOL. Anyway, I'm not "all better" or back to normal, but there was a definite change in week 6 and things are definitly on the positive road. I still wouldn't do it again, or recommend it, but I'm doing a lot better :) Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers and friends that have helped our family. More bragging on the family...David and the kids have been wonderful. I barely survived the holidays and could not have made it thru the last week of 2008 if it hadn't been for my awesome, wonderful, and super supportive husband. I was laid up for a few days after relatives left. So that's my recent update! I'll keep everyone posted.