Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dandi Flower

Dandi Flower arrived today. She bit and peed on David as soon as she got in the door! LOL. That night, my inlaws arrived while I was out and she bit and peed on David again! My sister in law adores the dog and wants her for herself (but they can't have animals in campus housing). Bonnie actually taught us (from watching the "Dog Whisperer"?!) how to "control" the dog. It's working! Dandi is now doing very well. No accidents, no biting. Her and Sky get along great. In fact, it's made Sky more active! They run up and down the halls and play around. It's real cute. The kids love having a little dog and carry her around. I went out that night and got her a pink leather collar with "diamonds" on it. She'd never worn a collar before! I also got her a dog bed and pink leash. She got out of the yard once, there was a big gap under the gate and she just went right thru it. So, David put bricks there and we've not had a problem since. She's the type of dog that follows you everywhere and lays at your feet and the second you lay down, she's cuddling around your neck. She is a chewer though. She's chewed up several toys, even though she has her own toys and we give her bones. We kennel her at night and when we leave the house. She barks at the guinea pigs whenever she's in Ben's room, they don't even flinch though. It's like they know they are protected in a cage. She also barks at and chases the cats, even though she's smaller then them!!! They rarely come up from the basement now. Shadow comes in my room at night-I guess he knows Dandi is kenneled. Both Majix and Shadow come flock to the kitchen in the morning for thier "wet food", while Dandi is outside. I feed them in bowls on the table. Once Dandi comes in though, off to the basement they run! Dandi sits at the top of the stairs barking for about 30 seconds, then off to play again. Poor cats! LOL. I guess eventually they'll all get used to each other. She's eating just fine too. The previous owners said she ate mixed dry and wet food, but she hasn't had any wet food since being here. She immediately started eating the dry and has been fine, so why mess with it? LOL I haven't made time to call vets to find prices and appts. for getting her spade yet. My neice wants to mate her male dauchshand with our female. I dunno though. Could be a lot of trouble. David asked me last night if I was still happy with my little "Paris Hilton" dog, as she was curled around my neck. I just smiled and said yes. I really didn't realize til now, just how big Sky is!!!!!!!!!! He feels gargantuan!!!! Especially, the several times that they are both under my feet! Hmmm, 70 lbs. versus 7 lbs.!!!! LOL. I think this was good decision. Everything's going great! She hasn't bit anyone since the first day. And, I think David even kind likes the "rat infestation". ROFLMAO.