Saturday, January 31, 2009


I told my friend Rachel about starting this Bible study "Fireproofing your Marriage" that David and I signed up for at the new church. She asked if I had seen it yet. I said no. She said it was playing at the "cheap theater" and she would watch the kids, we should go see it. So, we did. We went to the 915pm show, because as usual, I procrastinated and lost track of time, and we were running late and missed the 630pm show! When we first got it in the theater it was playing in, I was annoyed. There were teenagers, Mexican families with little kids speaking only Spanish, I was like, "uh are we in the right theater?" It actually wasn't bad. Once the movie started, the kids and teens were fine. It was a nice time. The movie was GREAT!
First of all, it's a very religious movie, but I think "non-religious" people can appreciate it too. It starts out with this couple fighting (he's a firefighter) and David and I looked at each other and laughed. He said, "are they talking about themselves or us?" LOL. It's about the guy not communicating and showing love to the wife and the wife not respecting the husband. They decide to get a divorce. The guy calls his dad and the dad challenges the son to do this "Love Dare" stuff to try to save his marriage. You can tell the guy is only doing it to "prove" something-like that he can do it, or you know...his heart just wasn't in it. He wasn't doing it out of love. His "attempts" at doing these wonderful things, keeps getting rejected by the wife. About half way thru he's talking to his dad again, saying "how can I keep doing these things when I keep getting rejected?" And the dad bascally tells him that he keeps rejecting God and how can he love and expect love and respect back, when he hasn't respected or accepted God's love. He ends up turning over his life to Christ and things go from there.
Okay, so I have to say, I LOVED this movie!!!!! Whether you are religious or not...I highly recommend it! The dynamics of the marriage is so universal! All married couples can relate to this couple. It's about commitment and uncondtitional love. "Never leave your partner behind, especially in a fire!"
David and I sat in the car, in front of Rachel's house for a bit talking. Then we got the kids and went home. It was so wonderful! David wants to buy it and watch it weekly! LOL