Thursday, January 1, 2009

Not so great 2008

I have to say, I am looking very forward to 2009! I hate to say it, but 2008 SUCKED! Here is my recap and ending with 10 positives!
David returned home early from deployment in January, after having gotten in trouble and losing a stripe, which cost our family $800 a month in pay and benefits, plus a $500 fine on top of that and also put his career in jeopardy! This happened after I took the family in December with our exchange students on a very expensive trip to Chicago that I couldn't afford anyway, because I hadn't seen my family in three years and I was home sick! They tell you that it's hard to reintegrate after deployment, but this had been the hardest deployment and reintegration yet! In February, I came down very sick, and it lasted on and off til MAY! I thought I was going to die! To my recollection, I had never been so sick, let alone for so long, in my life! March, I ended up getting so fed up with our exchange student, Maialen, that we demanded the agency find her another home, after her having been in our home for 6 months! Luckily, this ended up being the best decision for our family and, I believe Carolina our other student, that could have ever been made. I just wish we'd have done it sooner! In March, David changed jobs within the Air Force and it's a job that is done at the home base, so he's no longer deploying. This has allowed him to take classes and he's working towards his AirFrame and Power Plant license. Carolina's year with us as over in June and she returned home to Brazil on June 5th. On June 7th, my life was turned upside down by the sudden, unexpected death of my father, at age 59. We took another expensive trip to Chicago, David drove us up and spent 10 days with us, drove home to continue working, and came back in July to get us. It is very painful to be so far from my family! David was allowed to reenlist in July! So he can finsih his 20 year military career and retire. David and I were having a lot of marital problems. This year has truely been a test for our marriage! We returned home July 6th and on July 8th, moved into base housing. (LOVE IT!!!!!) I then spent the summer working vigorously to get a daycare up and running. After lots of hours, traveling from house to house, keeping 2 houses clean, classes, interviewing, purchasing furniture, kids miserable, etc., we had to come to terms with the fact that we could not go on any longer. I was not getting clients! I needed 3 kids to make my mortgage and expenses and I only had one. On. October 15th, we were blessed to allow a close friend and her family, to move into and rent our house. So now we live in one place! The kids are happier, we are happier, we were able to help friends out, and we're not in jeopardy of losing our house! November 20th, I proceeded to go thru with my dream of having a middle body lift (AKA Belt Lipectomy). While I thought this was a good thing, I quickly came to learn that I was ending 2008 in compelete misery. I am still recovering and things are better now...but I don't look back on the last 8 weeks of 2008 as pleasant!
I would like to end my look back on 2008 on a positivie note. Great things that happened in 2008...
1. My sister Theresa came to Chicago for my dad's funeral. I had not seen her in several years. ALL 8 of my parents living children were together!
2. Base housing. The kids all have thier own bedroom and private space in our 4 bedroom house. It's on a caldesac and 10 ft. from our back gate is a park. The kids are so happy, and we are happy.
3. David was able to reenlist.
4. David took initiative to better himself and his career by enrolling in college classes.
5. David and I began working on our relationship. We are in marriage counseling and working on our communication. Things have been going really well. He is communicating more. He has also taken initiative to go to personal counseling. We are learning each other's "love languages", we are learning to ask people for help (friends, family, counselors, etc.), and we are learning to communicate.
6. This year, I have had to learn to ask for help. I've had to ask friends to babysit, so I could attend classes and counseling sessions. I've had to ask for help, give up my pride, and realize that I can't do everything and not everything can be done perfectly. I've had to ask for help with moving. I've had to ask the father in law for help with finances. I humble myself and accept the fact that while I've been laid up for 8 weeks, the house is still standing and it's not a pigsty!
7. I have learned that I have some great friends! Many people put together meals for our family, so David didn't have so much work while I was laid up. Many people have babysat for us. Many friends have called, emailed, prayed, etc.
8. The hardest surgery is done and over with!
9. This is David's first year home with the little kids for Christmas!!!! He's usually deployed Sept/October-Jan/Feb. While we've had a "boring"'s been a wonderful holiday full of memories!
10. Last but not least, I am going to brag on my family. My husband and kids have been phenominally amazing!!!!!!!!! The kids have been patient, and understanding. They have been concerned and compassionate, gentle and sweet. David has been taking initiative, compassionate, understanding, sweet and vigilent through my surgery and healing process.