Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why do I do this to myself?

A couple of the "bussed" kids that attend church on Tuesday and Wednesday, moved out of "bussing area". We drive right by their house to go to church, so I offered to pick up and drop off kids. What this means is...on Tuesday's I can't hang out and chat with friends, I have to drop off the kid I pick up right after church. And on Wednesday, instead of going early and hitting the gym before church, I can't leave til 630pm, when I pick up the kids and then again, can't hang out afterwards as I have to get kids home right away. This also means other people are depending on me and now I have "boundaries". I don't do boundaries very well! LOL I thought it was no big deal when I volunteered and I've just discovered that it is! LOL. UGH. WHY do I do this to myself? You know why? It was either the kid didn't come, or Rachel be very inconvienced by having to get him and why should Rachel have to come all the way out by me to get him when he's on my way...same with the Wednesday pick ups! SIGH. It will just take a couple weeks to adjust too...I'm just venting at the moment, it's really not that big a deal. I just felt like I spent Tuesday and Wednesday running around like a chicken with my head cut off, from 4pm-9pm.