Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The new church

A little history: I was raised in 3 churches...birth-8 (super huge), 8-14 (tiny) and 14-18 (medium). I was raised with church being a sense of family and loyalty and obligation. Some BAD things happened in church that made me not want to be part of it. When I turned 18 and was on my own, I went all rebellious and got into a lifestyle NOT SO CHURCH WORTHY!!! I mean I went crazy! Other then holidays with the family, I didn't go to church again til I met David. After we moved from California, we didn't attend again til David's father and WACKO step mother sent a church after us. It was a nice thought, but we purposely didn't go out of pure rebellion. One summer when David was deployed, I did this "church hopping" thing. I took Ben to several vacation Bible schools. The last one we attended was the one up the street that David's family "sook" after us! Well, it was okay, I didn't see anything wrong with it. I knew the Pastor and his wife and daughter and my friend Rachel and her family went there, so it was comfortable and it was 4 doors away, so convienent! We have been at that church ever since...about 5 years. Last year, we finally decided we wanted to become members. We felt called to be more permanent, grounded, and be more then just "attenders", we wanted to help. BOY was that a mistake!!!! Several things happened and well, we just know it's not for us. Although, we still love the Royal Rangers and Missionettes program are staying commited to that. BUT, we knew we needed and wanted to find a new SUNDAY church, where are are fed spiritually and encouraged to thrive, not held down. But we're lazy too and haven't been "scouting churches". Well Chris and Bonnie invited us to attend with them during thier visit, so we did.
Sunday, January 18, 2009 we visited a new church, and it turned out well. First thing I noticed is there are two teachers per clasroom for the kids. This is important for me, as it creates accountability and a safer environment. There weren't too many kids, but not too few either. There was a good mix of ages in the congregation, as a large teen group. The songs were hymns and upbeat too. It wasn't too formal nor too casual. The message ("Fellowship") spoke right to David and I (we each thought this, but didn't know it til we got home and discussed it). The pastor is a Dr. in roughty estimating his late 40's. Afterwards, we were greeted by tons of people. I filled out the info card, the test-will they contact me? Afterwards there was a fellowship lunch, and Bible study, which everyone encouraged us to attend if even we didn't want to stay for the Study. Ben liked it, remembered his teachers name and what they talked about and wants to go back too. Now THAT is impressive! LOL. Our two families were seperated at lunch, since we got to the lunch late, with all the socializing in the sanctuary. More people came up to us at lunch, everyone as so nice. Turns out there are several other homeschooling families and military familes in the congregation. I left feeling pretty impressed. Yet at the same time-skeptical.
Wednesday, I recieved a letter in the mail from them. Not only typed, but handwritten as well by thte pastor himself. Then Saturday, I received a call, asking if they could come over to deliver the "information about the church" that I requested in the visitor's card. I told him that we were probably going to attend the next day, so it wasn't neccessary, and I asked him a couple questions. There is a Bible Study starting Feb. 8 for sunday nights...several are offered, but I'm interested in the "Fireproof your marriage" one. Turns out, the guy that called me, is the one teaching it (and his wife). The next test...a second visit.
We attended the new church a second time (Jan. 25-yes I'm back blogging as usual!) and I am even more impressed! The kids were being restless and so we made them go to class this time. It was heartbreaking-Christianna bawled. Turns out, it only last 30 seconds! They didn't want to leave when we came back to get them!!!! LOL Shanndon is going to "be brave" and go in the "big kid class" next week! The message ("The Sanctity of Life"-for the anniversary of Roe V. Wade) was phenominal and really spoke to me, I was in tears practically the entire time! At lunch, more people greeted us, the pastor came up to us and said how great it was to see us again. I told him I had spoke to a man who was teaching the Marriage class, and he then got him and introduced us. The congregation has just floored me! Someone even noticed one of our kids was missing! Ben was at a friends house and didn't attend this week.
We are new here, don't know anyone! In fact, I've been scouring the congregation for an inkling of a familiar face! This is a whole new scenario for me and really quite scary and overwhelming for me, yet exciting at the same time. We did ask some friends if they knew anything about this church and thier opinion about it. They had good things to say. So we'll see. This "new church" does a program called Awana, which I'm not to into. It's more memoriztion and competition, rather then skill like Royal Rangers or Pioneers (that I grew up in), so we'll keep Royal Rangers and Missionettes.
Is this our new church? We're willing to put some time into and find out. Will keep you updated! :)