Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shanndon's first filling!

Shanndon has a couple cavities-which is really annoying, since we brush ad floss his teeth. Seemingly, Ben and now Shanndon are genetically cavity prone! No other explanation, as we're strict with their dental hygiene! It's expensive to say the least, as today's appointment is costing us $238 and the appointment for the next one on the 11th is going to cost $258 (composite/white fillings, not silver, very good dentist!). ANYWAY...Shanndon did amazing!!!!! Did not fuss, got thru the appointment. However-after wards, he chewed up his lip and then ripped part of it off! I'm cringing as I write this. I cringe every time I look at it. He's not complaining, he doesn't say it hurts. It's hugely swollen and it just hurts my heart!!!! UGH! (I actually blogged this on the day it happened!)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My BFF is here!!!!!

My friend (BFF=best friend forever and when I say this, dude, we've been through a lot! We'll always be there for each other no matter what...we don't have hardly anything in common and hardly get to connect, but we're there and well that's just it...she's there, I'm there...we're together-somehow) Jennifer drove all the way from Arizona to come for our re-commitment ceremony. She arrived about 1230am today. OMG! I'm so excited. Her 13 year old-Kenny shot up like a foot since I'd seen him 15 months ago, he's as tall as his mom-5ft. 10in. Jayson (15 month old)looks the same he does as the day he was born, except bigger and blonde curly hair. I'm so happy to see her. Our "ideal" plan in life is to get houses next to each other, or connected, with an attaching double door(that can be locked on both sides), and run a preschool...she'd do all the cooking and me all the cleaning and the kids and guys would be able to play together all time. We can't get the guys to agree on a location though...Arizona is too hot for David and he hates California (too many people, traffic, etc.)...blah blah blah. Ahhhh, the dreams...How about selling everything and RVing around the country and working odd jobs? I really need to win the lottery! Let the adventure begin...she's due to be here for a few weeks, til about Aug. 25th or so.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My laptop died!

I can't believe it...I think my life may just be over! This morning my computer froze up, so I turned it off. When I turned it back on, it said Win 32 file missing. AHHHH!!!!! Wait, I have the "warranty" and it's Wednesday!!!!! I will simply take it over to Best Buy while I'm over on the west side for church and they will get me on my merry way. No, that's not what happened at all. They can't help me, they'd send it off to Toshiba (2-4 weeks). One of two things, either my computer needs to have a system restore (software problem-Toshiba doesn't cover it would be charged by Best Buy and Toshiba), or it's a bad hard drive (covered under warranty)...but I'll lose everything either way. I haven't backed up in two months. So Best Buy offered to back up my hard drive for $169! Cough, choke, cough...so I will wait and see if I have any other options...or at least save money to "save my stuff on my hard drive". On the way home, I got the brilliant idea to call super computer guy in our home school group...maybe he can help? I dropped by late and he tried very hard, but alas, he needs another part he doesn't have to "save me". So, my computer sits, until I can save up money to buy the "right part" for him to save me...then I'll do a system restore, if that doesn't work, we'll have it sent to Toshiba to replace the hard drive (the card reader doesn't work either). I'm going to die! Does anyone know what the internet and computer are to me? Life...I tell ya, it is precious! LOL...guess I better work on that!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My baby turns 3!

It's official...I am out of baby-land! Christianna is 3 years old today! We have been out of diapers for 8 months (just use pullups at night time), and she's insisting she's a big girl! I now officially have two pre-schoolers and a school-age! It's great, she can dress herself, she can walk, run and play nicely. I love it. Still can't trust her for nothin hardly, but that's cause it's just her-not the age...hoping the age advancement will help with that actually.

When she woke up, I told her that today is her birthday and that she is three years old now. She looked at me and was so excited! She said, "I'm finally this many?" and held up 3 fingers. It was sooooooooooooooo cute! We had lots to do and I was out all morning. I came home with a cake and a balloon and three Dollar Tree presents. We celebrated just us as a family here at home. Shanndon made a comment while we were eating cake, "why didn't everyone else come?" He noticed we didn't have a party. I would like to have another "combination party" this year for Shanndon and Christianna...maybe end of August. We'll see. Besides, I'm in dire NEED of a party!!!!

Happy Birthday Christianna!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Correspondance with Sonja's Dad

Sonja's dad emailed me today. His name is Paul (the pics are of him and Sonja and him, Sonja and Sonja's mom's mom). He is a "computer guy" in Austria. He seems very nice. It's great to get to talk to the parents! I can only imagine the position they are in. Sending your child to live with a stranger for a year. Heck, I have a hard time sending my kids to my friends' house for the afternoon! Although, that's mainly because my children are crazy and I'd like to continue having friends! BWahahahah!

Having done this exchange program twice now, I get the impression that teenagers are a bit more "grown up" in every other country. By 16 they should know what they want to do and have their lives planned out. The moment they turn 18 they should have their college started and careers on track. Carolina is off in college already! Living hours away from her parents. Other countries don't seem to "baby" their kids like we Americans do. The kids have been in school since 2 or 3 years old, learning to write and academics (multiple languages!!!!! hard math from early on! You should see these kids' report card and course loads!)-not just play. Ben is 9 years old (will be 10 in October), I can't see him deciding his life and being ready to support himself and/or a family in just 7-8 years. Are they too hard on their kids? Are we to easy on ours? The girls are expected to work and be just as productive and successful as the guys-which I think is good.

I personally just always expected to grow up and be a mom and wife. NOW! There are times I wish I enjoyed my single life, instead of searching for a husband. I wish I had enjoyed my childless days. Instead of being overwhelmed by chores and daily tasks that take forever, because everyone needs multiple things all at once. There are days I dream of peace quiet, no fighting, sleeping in, etc. I tried to urge Maialen and Carolina to take their time. Enjoy life, don't seek to rush into marriage or family life. I can only hope they listen! I hope Sonja sees that too.

I really enjoyed my time with the teen girls. Talking after kids went to bed, helping with homework, them working with me in the kitchen and introducing them to making gingerbread houses and cooking, and playdoh and goop, waking up and running out in your PJS after a night of snow and throwing snowballs. It was a little overwhelming with two...so I'm really looking forward to doing these things with Sonja one on one. Having one on one time from the beginning! I hope I can bring honor to her father and her mother's memory! And I hope too, that it will help me appreciate Christianna being little. Soon Christi will be a teenager!!!!! As much as I want to kill her several times a day, she is sooooooooo adorable and little and cuddly. Free with the kisses. I pray for a good experience this year and that Sonja and we are all truly blessed. That God is honored and Sonja's dad is at ease with her placement in our family. That the family meshes well together and Sonja's adjustment is easy. Please pray for us as we enter this endeavor.

4th of July!

Happy Birthday America! "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" Proverbs 14:34. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 Pray for our nation-leaders, our church, ourselves. God can use HIS people to make our nation great. The sin of individuals affects the entire nation. God's people must take responsibility for our nation.

Today is another one of those "bittersweet" holidays. Fourth of July, I believe, truly was my dad's favorite holiday! The fact that they are illegal in Illinois, was of no consequence to him. He was a pyromaniac! We would go to the parade in the morning and watch him blow off fireworks in the night (then run from the cops!). My darling husband, loves it just as much!

A few days before hand, our friend Lea mentioned going to Haysville to watch fireworks (we'd never been!) and did anyone want to join...well, David is home (not deployed and it's a Saturday, so he he doesn't have to work) to do the driving (30 minutes), so I said we'd love to join them! We had no other plans. Then another friend asked our plans a couple days after that, so we told them about Haysville and said we'd love if they could join. So Saturday we had a leisurely morning and then worked on the basement (where we listened to patriotic and "Indepedence day themed" songs on the radio all afternoon). About 5pm (time to start getting ready to go out for the evening), I came upstairs and Lea had messaged me on facebook saying her cat went into labor, they weren't gonna make it. We called the other set of friends and asked if we could meet later (we were working hard on the basement). They made it about 7/730pm and we joined about 830pm. We stopped at a fireworks place on the way!!!! They allow everything in Haysville! So we arrived in Haysville...the sky was lit up. The citizens were having huge parties and doing their own shows. It was amazing to see their "stash" strewn across their yards! We just went to a public park to watch the town fireworks. It was not busy or crowded at all. It was like we were transported to a whole different place! It was awesome! Why wouldn't EVERYONE flock here?

Shortly after we arrived and started doing a little bit of fireworks, the friend who's cat went into labor and had 5 kittens...arrived! YEA! So we talked about kitties and then continued with fireworks. I was trying to take pictures and the kids and David were doing the Roman Candles and Sparklers and such. Everyone's kids were wanting in on the action...which I don't mind, but David was just handing them fireworks, without asking their parents permission, or watching them! The kids were waving the flames around, not watching chairs, clothes, people or boxes of fireworks. It seemed no one else was bothered by this but me. I told David he can't just allow other kids to handle them, they really need to ask their parents AND they they needed to be WELL supervised! He understood and things got better from there...UNTIL Christianna, who was allowed to have a sparkler alone...placed the sparkler on her chest!!!!! She got multiple burns on her chest! I poured bottled water on her burn and had David run to the car and get the first aid kit and immediately put burn cream and a band-aid on it. (It looks terrible this morning!) She was detoured from fireworks after that for a while. But was begging to do more later. The rest of the night went along just fine. The "city display" was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It lasted about 40 minutes and we were right under them...just across the street from where they were setting them off!!!! The kids barely watched the show! They were playing on the play ground with all their friends! Other friends that we weren't expecting to see, also showed up. Who knew this was the happening place to be? (I say we set up a big "to do" next year!)

Our friend Jennifer is coming for our wedding from Arizona, and she asked if we were gonna get fireworks to do while they are here...we did! Our exchange student will be here and my mom and Jennifer and her boys. It will be so fun!

Happy Birthday America! I thank God, Christianna did not get hurt worse and for David being home and for the wonderful night and so many blessings in my life! God bless America!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Exchange Student

It's official...we got our confirmation of placement email(June 29) and we've been contacted on the phone and by email (July 1) from our new exchange student!!!! We're so excited!

Her name is Sonja Mueller. She's 15 (will be 16 on Nov. 1). Crimeney, she was born in 1993! That is just a few months after I graduated high school and she could be our kid!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo old! LOL. Anyway, her mom passed away when she was 10 and she's been raised by her dad. She's an only child. She is from Vienna Austria. She loves kids and animals. She doesn't like fish to eat (neither do we-except David). We're going to put Shanndon and Christianna in one room (currently looking for bunk beds!!!!) and Sonja will have Christianna's room. She is fluent in German (home language) and Latin, French and English. Her emails are perfect and her English seemed really good on the phone! She'll go to Derby H.S. and be bussed. I'm really hoping she mixes well in our church youth group. They are very active and several kids go to to Derby HS, so she'll have a couple weeks to get to know church kids before school. She seems pretty easy going. I asked her favorite color, to do her bedding, towels and room...she said she doesn't have a favorite color and she's happy with whatever, as long as it's not too flashy.

Today we had a leisurely day for the most part. I had a one on one lunch date with a friend. It was so nice! We met just after 11am at Kyoto Japanese Steakhouse. We were sat with two other ladies and cooked for by the owner. It wasn't the big spectacular show that it normally is, but it was nice none the less. We sat around talking for a quite a bit after lunch. It was so quiet and peaceful. I brought home a bunch of leftovers and ate them throughout the day. I LOVE Japanese Steakhouse!!!!!!! The only minor exception to the bliss, was a daycare client calling 5 times over lunch...the 3rd time the phone rang, I answered and told her I was out to lunch and I'd call her when I was done. The 5th time I answered and said, "I'll call you right back" and hung up...CRIMENY! She didn't have a certain time she had to o stuff and I said I'd call her when I was done. So, I picked up two daycare kids on the way home. Only watched them 2 hours.

After kids woke up from nap, we went to the McConnell AFB "Beach Party". They had delivered a parking lot full of sand, had games and activities, inflateables, Radio Disney was there too. The kids had a blast! Daddy even met us for "lunch break". Then we headed off to church for Missionettes. We're taking the next couple weeks to work on "projects". Today the girls did a "Traits of a Godly Woman" Collage. Next week we're doing a "group sculpture"-they have to work together to create a sculpture with recycled materials (and we'll have an "Art Show" after that with their various art pieces they made during that badge). Then we'll finish up puppets and perform a puppet show.

After church, I picked up Stephanie's 2 dogs (they are going out of town) and we came home. Steph had a big tomato come ripe today and it would rot before they got home, so she gave her "first fruits" to David!!!! I came home with en egg carton of cherry tomatoes and one big tomato...SWEET!!!!! :) We miss our garden! :(

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What is it?

What is it about a time frame/deadline/boundary? If I have nothing to do, or no pressure, things go smoothly. Tuesday's at 6pm, my son is due to be at church for Royal Rangers, Wednesdays at 7pm- me and the kids are due at church for Missionettes and Rainbows. This Friday, we were due at church for Ben to go on his campout by 4pm. Yet, it never fails SOMETHING always happens. We are ALWAYS late! We had a car full of cement pavers, rather then drive across town with this load-while I was finalizing Ben's packing for the camping trip-I asked David to remove the pavers. At the time I had asked he was sorting socks, Ben was low and I wanted him to have an extra couple pair. I had to have Ben at church in an hour-it's a 25 minute drive. Many minutes (15 or so) went by, no David. I had originally thought he was just getting socks and shoes on, etc. I called to the other room..."David, what are you doing?"..."socks", he said. I said, " I need pavers removed, you already gave me 10 pairs of socks (only needed a couple), I need to go". He thought I didn't need to be there til 630pm, so he just thought he'd do it later. (My thinking was, you can do socks when I'm not here, you can't remove bricks if they aren't here). So I checked the time, it was 330pm. EEEEK. I said never mind, I gotta go now...He insisted on doing it. So then I couldn't get Ben to church on time for him to ride the church van out there, I'd have to drive him to Lake Afton myself. Well, I wasn't prepared to take everyone out to Lake Afton...so then I had to gather swim suits, towels, snacks, extra clothes, bug spray, sunblock, etc. for me and the little ones. (might as well stay and hang out and enjoy a couple hours if we're gonna drive all the way out there right?) Then I get a message from our community representative with the exchange student program, saying she was missing one of the papers (we had had our in-home interview Friday morning)...so I scanned and tried to send that "real quick", it scanned in 4 pieces and I don't know how to "stitch" items together. So, did it with another program, but when she tried to print it, it was too blurry! Besides all that, I had made plans to run errands after driving Ben to church at 4pm, so that all now got pushed back. I ended up being 4 hours late for the camp out! Seriously, if I had had nothing pressing to do...NONE of the issues would have surfaced! Every Tuesday and Wednesday, nearly without fail...SOMETHING happens!!!!!! Whether it be I get stuck in construction, traffic, accident, kids get hurt, something goes wrong with the car, Ben forgets his bag, a dog gets out and we have to find them before we leave, one or BOTH of the little ones have to "potty", a kid I pick up is running late, or a parent gets chatty, an errand runs longer then expected, etc. I tell ya. I just don't get it!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 24, 2009

So I really miss blogging! I will continue to back blog...but I'm going to start keeping up with my blog as much as I can-hopefully a nearly daily basis.

Today is June 24th, we woke up later then usual-930am (I'm not complaining, being is we are 2nd shifters, this is a great time, but my kids don't like to sleep once the sun is up-GRRRR, lol.) We had our 2nd to last Family Support Specialist appointment today at 1030a. The family support specialist is the "counselor" we've been working with for the year that we've been in Marriage for Keeps. I gave her a wedding invitation-only fitting as she's been such an intricate part of out growing, and healing process I figured-but she told me since she's a counselor, she can't come. :( I was in tears. I mean I understand why...mentally, but emotionally, I was heart broken. I asked if I could appeal to her bosses or something. She said they had a meeting later today and she'd talk to them about it. :( We have one more appointment...July 8th...It's been one year in the program! David and I have come such a long way. Mostly I feel DAVID has come a long way. I was telling Jamie today (our FSS), a year ago, it was like I was living with a mannequin, or another kid. Today, I feel like I have a friend, a partner. He gets, NOW, that I want to hear his opinions and thoughts and he communicates with me. I did not go into Marriage for Keeps, thinking anything was "wrong" with me, I went thinking it was all him and "he needed to learn to communicate". Boy was I wrong. I've learned so much. They don't teach you this stuff in school or growing up. How do you get a generation (our parents') where "kids are to be seen and not heard"- to teach communication skills? My communication consisted of doing doing doing, until I blow up. You aren't "taught" the "speaker/listener technique" or about "doing your part". I just am so grateful to God for sending MFK and Fireproof to us and for Chris and Bonnie taking us to "our new church". There are so many blessings in my life right now. I don't even know where to start counting!

Anyway, David has to work 6p-6a for the next few days, so we ended up going to Walmart after our appointment. We bought some shelving for the house and Ben a new Bike-an ADULT bike (26 inch) with hand brakes!!!!! and a new helmet. When we got home, kids ate and napped, I wasted all my time on the computer and David got ready for his "excercise" (it's where they practice war situations, which is why he's on 12 hour night shifts thru Sunday). Ben played on daddy's puter. Then the kids woke up and had ice cream for with chocolate "Magic Shell" for snack. After David left for work, I set up the kids' turtle pool with water and got the sprinkler going. While they played (and Ben worked on cleaning his room), I stamped wedding invitations. After I was done and ready to go, we rode our bikes around base-hand delivered 4 invites (got adult conversation with a couple of my friends I delivered too! That was a bonus!!!! My friend Mike is back from the desert and they bought a new car-Jeep, sweet!) and put 60 in the mailbox at the front of the base (we live in back of the base). Then, came home, baths, bed and Ben and I assembled a shelving unit, and set it up in his room and cleaned his room. AHHHH, it looks great (I am hoping to get to the "Bionicle boxes" one of these days and sort them into smaller stackable containers)! Some day I will get my house in order, really I will! LOL I then put away our Walmart trip and stamped and assembled more invites and blogged a bunch and now I'm headed to bed!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crazy rant!

Today I am a bundle of nerves! I interviewed yesterday two new families for day care- I am watching one of the kids sporadically til the end of May, which was suppose to start today. Then, I'll have him and his 1 year old brother and 8 and 6 year old cousins as well full time. They called last night and I watched the one kid from 8p-midnight. This kid is super extensively ADHD! He talks NON-stop, and requires a LOT of attention! He very obsessively into art, which is totally cool and fine, but I can't even describe the experience...he's just all over the place! I wasn't prepared! On top of having him, I had a bunch of "little stuff" to do...rewrite my day care parent handbook and put together all the forms the families need, I needed to gather together some stuff I am selling, plus general house keeping and family care. The boy required so much attention last night that I wasn't able to get things done, then mornings here are just crazy in general and I was scrambling to keep everyone occupied and get morning routines done and I was cranky...I ended up feeling so overwhelmed and hopeless this AM and I was biting David's head off! Boy do I feel sorry for that man, living with my Manic/Depressiveness!

I want to get off my meds, then I have a day like today and feel like I'll never be NORMAL!

I hate details, being busy, obligations, deadlines, etc.

I did manage to get the paperwork done for both families (4 kids) and send them with the mom, so that's one less thing on my "to do" list. I was going to take a nice long hot bath, but then got distracted cleaning the bathroom. While cleaning, I got to thinking about things and now I'm emotional all over again and want to rant.

First of all, my brother was upset on Mother's Day when he went to visit my mom and "found out" that I was not there. He said he had no idea I was leaving and we didn't say goodbye. We were there a month and we even stayed 2 extra days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In a month, I say my brother 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told everyone from the beginning my "leaving date" and I am not going around chasing people to see them! I dragged my family 12 hours to come there and you can't drive 10 minutes to see us? Yeah, I feel like a queen-wouldn't you? WHICH brings me to another "thing"...

I asked everyone local on facebook if they wanted to have a big get together. Only a couple people were interested...so I figured why bother. I wasn't gonna try to put together a big "to do" with no one interested. I got a chat message on facebook from a guy I went to HS with...he said, "There was a gathering on May 3rd and no one got in touch with me about it." I said, "no one, but you, me and...wanted to get together, so I didn't bother, we ended up dedicating Christianna that day, going to lunch and then home for naps." (This guy lives 3 blocks from my mom's house!!!!!!!) He got all pissy with me and was saying how I was basically a horrible person and the 3 of us getting together was worth it and what a bitch I was how I was making excuses, that obviously my family was priority and I shouldn't have even sent out a "is any one interested" email...etc. I am so sad and hurt thinking about all he said. At the same time, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MAD!!!!!!! Excuse me? I got together with the "third party" who was interested a couple times and HE lives 3 blocks away and NEVER made an attempt to get together. You're DAMN RIGHT my family is priority! I would NEVER let anyone think otherwise. BUT, at the same time, I bend over backwards to accommodate people, friends, strangers etc. and am very angry and sad that I was accused of doing anything but!

It's days like today (which are not hardly even anything but maybe a 3 on my Ritcher scale), that make me feel like I can't handle life (HA, so imagine what it's like when it's worse!)! I am hoping that writing about it let's me get it out and feel better and able to cope again.

If you're reading this, I pray that I'm not scaring you, but I do hope it makes other people understand me a bit better and get to know me better.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

To the fly boat Wonderpets...

Off to Chicago! So excited. We'll be there a month. I miss my family and MOM so bad!!!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

VBS Training

I am volunteering to help in Vacation Bible School (VBS) and the new church we are going to requires training. So I went today...it was the most common sense, basic information that a 2 year old should know. THIS is what you call training? Crimeny. Maybe I shoulda gone to the "LEAD" training...they did not discuss anything of importance. Very disappointed.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Booked David's flight

One of the things we want to do with tax money is take a trip to Chicago. I want to go for a long time, but David can't do that, he has to work. So, today I booked his flight to and from Chicago! He'll drive us up and spend a few days, then fly back to Wichita. 2.5 weeks later, he'll fly up to Chicago and spend a few days and drive us back home!!!!! I love homeschooling for this reason!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Guests from Africa and India

Our church asked for host families for this children's choir that was coming to sing and we enjoy hosting so much, that we volunteered. March 2nd at 4pm, we went to the church and had a little orientation and picked them up. We had a 16 year old girl chaperone from India and 3 boys from Africa. They spent the night, went to church the next day at 1pm and practiced and then had their concert that night. It was amazing. Then home. We were suppose to have them back to church at 9am the next morning, but they changed the time to 10am. One of the hosting families had to go to an appointment and couldn't keep their 3 boys the extra time...so rather then have one of the church members come from Derby and pick up the 3 boys, take them home and cart everyone back, we offered (since we live closer) to do that instead. So this morning we had a ton of kids from Africa and India at our house. We also had to send them with a lunch for their bus ride and they all needed breakfast! It's chaos, but I sure do love it! The time they were here, they just ate, played, and watched movies. My kids were happy to have the company (they were all Ben's age! 8-10 years) and it was fun to see the guests just get to be kids and play in our "play land". Christianna really took to the 16 yr old girl! It was an awesome experience! And it made me feel really helpful.

Monday, March 2, 2009

March already?

Wow, time is flying by. This past week, Shanndon had a 6 month dental check up. I was worried...his first one was great. His second one, David took him, cause I was laid up from surgery. David said he threw a fit like he had never seen. The dentist and hygienist were very patient and kind, but none doin. I don't get why, like I said, his first one was great!!!!! So, this one...WAS FINE!!!!! Maybe he just needs mom to take him?! I dunno.

This week also, one of our oldest and dearest friends...Ken and Jennifer Myette-Ashworth...their oldest child turned 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kenny was the first baby David EVER held!!!!!!!!!!! I met him when he was just 2 months old! How can this be? Whimper.

Sunday was crazy, as we usually like to roll (not really). Royal Rangers was having their annual Chili Fundraiser dinner...we could either go to the Douglas church and be there for the dinner and be helping set up during church, or we could go to our "new church" and run over for the dinner. We love our "new church" so much that we don't want to miss a single sermon! We opted for the rushing around....we had delivered all our stuff the Wednesday prior and they set up mostly on the Wednesday prior, so we just headed over after service. Ben put on his gloves and started serving. We hung out for a while afterwards and helped take stuff down and clean up and all. We really enjoy Dan and Rachel too!!!! We try to do it all! :) Then we went home for naps and back to church for "Fireproof"!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

3rd week of February

David's dad, Paul, visited us this weekend. His birthday is the 20th and Shanndon's is the 17th, so he came to celebrate. Apparently he's met a new woman (rolling eyes). This is after the long talk we all had over New Years, where he swore he was "giving up looking for a wife and leaving it in God's hands. She was visiting her grown daughter (I think) or something and he came up to visit us, so he's all giddy about how they are going to have a nice valentine date after he returns home. All weekend he was hinting around to marriage, but saying how they are building their friendship and how this is different (they all are!!!!). BLAH BLAH BLAH. How many soul mates can you have in a lifetime?! SERIOUSLY? This is 4 in 4 years!!!!! The man is so lonely! Other then that, it was a nice weekend. He brought Shanndon 2 big Star Wars figures, from when David and Chris were little boys. Dad attended a social at our Pastor's house with us. The Pastor and his family are fairly "new" to the church, they came in August..and they're trying to invite groups of people to get to know them better. This was the "Adult 1" group. They had a BBQ and we brought side dishes and such. It was very cool. We played a game and got to meet a bunch of other young couples...one couple just recently married, others with kids our ages, some with older kids, some divorced, some single, several are military! The church feels "BIG" to me, so it was nice to be in a smaller setting. I was torn between skipping this event cause dad was visiting or sucking up my pride and asking if he could attend as well. I so badly wanted to go...so I sucked it up and they welcomed him happily. It was very nice. I was able to be a way better host for dad then last time-New Years-cause I'm much better. Still wouldn't recommend a middle body lift...even 4 months later!!!! On the middle body lift front...still painful, lots of itching, tingling, often tired...but I do feel WAY better!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shanndon turns 4 years old!

My dear Shanndon! What a year this has been. I blogged last year about how Shanndon turned into a sweet compassionate kid. This year, he's onry. He's started this "antagonizing" stuff. He takes Christianna's blanket and says "Christianna, look what I got" and she cries. In the car he touches Ben and Ben tells him to stop, so he puts his fingers near Ben and says "I'm not touching you". He's a dare devil and a half, and a monkey to boot! HE's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! He widens his eyes when he looks at you and makes hilarious faces. He LOVES his brother and wants to do everything Ben does and be with Ben. He even has started saying he IS Ben!!! He loves to be with teh big kids and follows them around everywhere. He's into Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles, Star Wars. Papa came up to visit for his birthday and brought him big Star Wars figures. Daddy and mommy gave him a blue Power Ranger he really wanted and has been asking for since just after Christmas. Grandma sent him Power RAngers too. He is over the moon with his new toys! We celebrated by going to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. The kids love the "show" and fried rice. My dear Shanndon...I can't wait to watch you grow and see what you bring to us this year! I love you so very much my sweet cuddle bug!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

WOW! What a change from last year.
Let me recap for those who don't want to go back in my blog archives. Valentine's 2008 consisted of David arriving home at midnight (at the end of VDAY) and tossing me a small plastic bag from the base gas station with a small box of $5 chocolate, and a card. I have this bad habit of dreaming of GRANDURE (is that a word? Do you know what I mean?). ANYWAY, never fails, EVERY holiday, I am disappointed. David, my kids, my family in general, they just aren't like that. I'm an after thought. I realize that. AND yet, I still continue to dream! LOL
This year, there was no mention really of Valentine's Day (although of course, I hoped and dremt (sp?!)). David and Ben came home from Winter Blast a little early (all night Royal Ranger lock in). When I woke up, there was a bouquet of flowers on the table, and there was mylar "Happy Valentine's Day" Banner in the dining room and a little gift of "Vday bear" hair clips. It was so cool. I wasn't an after thought!!!!! I woke up to this! It made my day! I went into the bedrom and woke David up and said Thank you and gave him a kiss. He proceded to tell me that he arranged for us to go to the Vday Banquet at church that night as well. WOOHOO! How sweet! He planned! He thought! I am sooooooo impressed! We had a great time at the banquet, got to meet people and get to know names and such (this is a new church for us). Also, I wore my Vday bear hair clips and everyone commented on them, how cute they were, and I got to ohh and ahhh over how sweet and thoughtful my dear hubby was! It was a great day! Thanks babe!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Homeschool Valentine Party

February 13, 20009.
Stephanie invited the homeschool group over for a Valentine's party (It's also her oldest child-Nikki's 13th birthday!!!!). I was excited about it, felt like I was ready to get out and get back to life as I once knew it...THEN the day arrived. I just feel sooooooooooooooo tired today! I don't even want to go. I WANT to go, but I don't, you know? UGH. I miss my friends and the kids miss thier friends. I just don't even think I can drive over there!
David got home and said I looked in no condition to drive. I didn't wnat to cancel, but David has been up all night! He drove us to Steph's and slept in the car. I did feel better once I got there after a bit, but I"m sure everyone noticed how out of it I was and "stand offish". I don't mean to be. There were newbies too. I'm sure they probably thought I was a prude sitting off to the side, barely talking. UGH. I can't wait to finally get back to "normal", whatever that is! It wa s anice party. Kids had a blast. Even after being there for several hours, they were sad to leave.
Ben and David are going to "Winter Blast" tonight. It's an all night Royal Ranger "lock in". So, it's just me and the little ones :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Night Shift

In true military fashion, David's schedule has been josseled again. He's now on night shift (10pm-7am). We thought maybe it would be temporary, but it seems like it might go a long time, so I've devised a new routine and schedule for us. David will get home about 730am, he'll wake me up and we'll spend some time together, talking, Bible Study, what not. Kids will wake up and we'll spend time with them, cuddling, feeding breakfast, etc. David will go bed about 9/10am. He'll sleep til about 5pm, I'll have dinner ready, we'll eat together and head out for our evening activities...church, YMCA, etc. (the nice thing is David can now participate in Tuesday night Royal Rangers!) Then, we'll come home and he'll get ready for work and go. This will be Sunday night-Friday morning. Friday's he'll nap til about 1,2,3pm, then wake up and go to bed with us that night. Saturday he'll be up with us regular schedule and Sunday too. Sunday he'll nap between church and Bible class.

I've kinda got a routine down on cleaning and actvities and such. The weekend we pretty much do nothing as far as house work. Just basic up keep. We do yard work (if nice) and play outside, go shopping, church, laze around, and other things around town. Since I've had the surgery, it's a LOT of lazing around! I'm not used to that, but it's nice. Our spring and summer will be busy I'm sure. I am soooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to nice weather! At the same time though, I get tired easily, still have itching, pulling and tingling, in my body, SO I'm enjoying saying home too. Mondays I don't schedule anything. It seems like, since we don't do anything on the weekends, the house is a diaster on Mondays, so I do a "deep clean". That makes it nice, the rest of the week I just vaccuum each day and clean bathrooms 3 times a day (the kids make messes so fast!). Then, Friday I tend do do a big clean to prepare for the weekend. I hate not knowing what David's long term schedule. We live daily and weekly. Sometimes they change it up even last minute, jsut a day or two in advance. That's annoying!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Final Surgeon Check up

I had my final follow up with the plastic surgeon who did my Middle Body Lift. Dr. Poggi is awesome! He TOTALLY cute, and funny, straight forward, no BS. I am JUST NOW starting to feel some what "normal" again and not be in constant pain, itching, burning and pulling! He took the after pics and said I'll be on his website. I thought I was prepared this surgery. I wasn't! This surgery has been horrible. People keep asking me, now that your feeling better, was it worth it? I STILL say no! I didn't do it for VAIN reasons, to look good, or be some model, so I don't care about the flat pretty tummy. SO was it worth the tad of discomfort I felt in regular daily life, for the 10 weeks or excruciating physical and MENTAL misery I was in? At this point-NO.

On another note-I am feeling better. I've gotten a routine down. Feel like I'm keeping up the house well. It helps that I don't have much activity scheduled. The kids seem to like being homebound. They have thier neighborhood friends they play with everyday. They have the freedom to run in and out as they please. No traffic here, park 10 ft. away. It's really bliss. I like our "winter break", but at the same time, I'm usually active well up til January 1 and I've been bedridden since Nov. 20, so I am itching to get spring underway.

I've been thinking about taxes. It's that time, I'm procrastinating becuase there's so much to do and I have so much paperwork not sorted, organized, just boxed. We have to be meticulous about the daycare expenses and rental stuff. It makes my head hurt to think about! HOWEVER-we need the money!!!!!!!!!! BAD! I have lots of wants and need to dos with it.

Tax money list: Pay off bills. Take a trip to Chicago. Put money in savings. We WANT an RV of some sort too :) Trailer hitch for the van. Boat of some sort. Those are just far off dreams :)

So goal is to work on taxes, which also means work on basement some!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The PERFECT underwear!

I know, this is going to sound crazy-I have found the perfect fitting underwear! Hanes brand, Size 5-low cut bikini briefs. They fit so nicely around my legs, sit comfortably across my waist and hug my butt-not to tight, not to loose. I'm in HEAVEN! WOOHOO!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Marriage For Keeps

David and I have had some troubles in 2008! I had seen an "advertisement" for "Marriage for Keeps" in the Homeschooling Newsletter and immediately called and applied. We got an appt. and accepted into the program! This is a government funded program on learning communication techniques and tools and working on building a healthy marriage and family! This has been a "marriage saver". We started out by going to a class for 12 weeks, and now we're in the "maintanence" phase of it, where we visit with a Family Support Specialist every 2-3 weeks. When we first started meeting with the FSS specialist, we took a 91 question test to identify our "issues" and then we had them evaluated and discussed them. THen we did a "Focus for the Future", which is basically taking the tools we've learned and identifying issues we still have and how we're going to use our tools and work thru them.

At our last appt. we nearly had a blow up! We found an issue. It was a issue David and I were both passionate about. It became very heated and the FSS was actually worried for us. David got very angry and was actually showing emotion and yelling at me (this never happens!). When this happened, IRONICALLY, I became very calm and reserved and was trying to talk him thru things. Our session was up and we had to go, but the FSS asked us, did we want to table the discussion til our next meeting? or work on it at home? David and I both agreed to let it go and work on it at home, using our new found "tools" and if we were unable to calmly resolve things in one hour, we'd tale it again until our meeting. The next day I suggested to him that he take a notebook to work and carry one around with him. This way, when he thought of the "issue", he can write down any thoughts he has, emotions, or feelings, about it. I would do the same thing. This was so that when we discussed it, we wouldn't just be "flying" with emotions. We'd have it on paper, in writing. What were we thinking? Questions we had, etc. I asked David as we were getting ready for the SuperBowl Party, what we were gonna do, we hadn't discussed it, so we agreed to discuss it that night.

This discussion went very well! We both are at peace about it, it's over and done with. We both got what we wanted out of the situation. We had a great report for the FSS the next day! She was worried! :) David has been doing VERY well with his communication with me and in his counseling sessions. My intuition to start on this journey and David's willingness to go on this journey, has been wonderful!!!!!!!! It's such a different place then our relationship has ever been before! WEIRD! AWESOME!

SuperBowl Party

I decided that I am ready to play hostess again. I'm feeling great! So I invited some friends over for a SuperBowl Party. Not that many of my friends are sports fans, but it's a good reason to get together and hang out and have a great time with lots of food. I really enjoy seeing David hang out with the guys and talking and I really enjoy having conversations with my friends and the whole "bunch of couples" dynamic. Kids were banned to the play area! LOL No one fought! It was actually quiet, considering we had 16 kids here! It was very nice. I was totally at ease and comfortable getting ready for the party, not stressed out in any way. We always route for the "underdog" team if one of our teams aren't playing. This year it was the Cardinals and the Steelers. We were so engaged in conversation and enjoying our friends, that even tho the TV was on, we barely watched the game! The underdog did not win this time! :( It was close though, they put up a good fight. It seemed to have come down to the last play. Which we think they were jipped on! Anyway, it was a very nice party I think, everyone got along, there was lots of good food, great conversation, and the kids even cleaned up the playroom before they left!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I told my friend Rachel about starting this Bible study "Fireproofing your Marriage" that David and I signed up for at the new church. She asked if I had seen it yet. I said no. She said it was playing at the "cheap theater" and she would watch the kids, we should go see it. So, we did. We went to the 915pm show, because as usual, I procrastinated and lost track of time, and we were running late and missed the 630pm show! When we first got it in the theater it was playing in, I was annoyed. There were teenagers, Mexican families with little kids speaking only Spanish, I was like, "uh are we in the right theater?" It actually wasn't bad. Once the movie started, the kids and teens were fine. It was a nice time. The movie was GREAT!
First of all, it's a very religious movie, but I think "non-religious" people can appreciate it too. It starts out with this couple fighting (he's a firefighter) and David and I looked at each other and laughed. He said, "are they talking about themselves or us?" LOL. It's about the guy not communicating and showing love to the wife and the wife not respecting the husband. They decide to get a divorce. The guy calls his dad and the dad challenges the son to do this "Love Dare" stuff to try to save his marriage. You can tell the guy is only doing it to "prove" something-like that he can do it, or you know...his heart just wasn't in it. He wasn't doing it out of love. His "attempts" at doing these wonderful things, keeps getting rejected by the wife. About half way thru he's talking to his dad again, saying "how can I keep doing these things when I keep getting rejected?" And the dad bascally tells him that he keeps rejecting God and how can he love and expect love and respect back, when he hasn't respected or accepted God's love. He ends up turning over his life to Christ and things go from there.
Okay, so I have to say, I LOVED this movie!!!!! Whether you are religious or not...I highly recommend it! The dynamics of the marriage is so universal! All married couples can relate to this couple. It's about commitment and uncondtitional love. "Never leave your partner behind, especially in a fire!"
David and I sat in the car, in front of Rachel's house for a bit talking. Then we got the kids and went home. It was so wonderful! David wants to buy it and watch it weekly! LOL

Friday, January 30, 2009


Other then the couple evenings a week we go to church and then Sunday morning, I haven't been greatly busy. I have had the oppurtunity to get together with friends for playdates, sotrytime at the library, or arranged to go to a YMCA workout class and it just hasn't happened. For one reason or another, either the kids are fighting even getting dressed for the day, or we slept late, or just not feeling like getting out. It's crazy. I can't get motivated to leave the house! The house is clean, serene, I have my routine. It's not like I'm laying around and the house is a mess or anything. I'm very active in the house. I've been making progress in the basement. I've been watching TV, reading, playing a lot with my new digital scrapbooking program, playing games (alone and with the kids), art and school with the kids, etc. It's just warm, and cozy and don't want to leave I guess! Ugh, I guess once spring hits, the "out and about" attitude will hit me again- maybe.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why do I do this to myself?

A couple of the "bussed" kids that attend church on Tuesday and Wednesday, moved out of "bussing area". We drive right by their house to go to church, so I offered to pick up and drop off kids. What this means is...on Tuesday's I can't hang out and chat with friends, I have to drop off the kid I pick up right after church. And on Wednesday, instead of going early and hitting the gym before church, I can't leave til 630pm, when I pick up the kids and then again, can't hang out afterwards as I have to get kids home right away. This also means other people are depending on me and now I have "boundaries". I don't do boundaries very well! LOL I thought it was no big deal when I volunteered and I've just discovered that it is! LOL. UGH. WHY do I do this to myself? You know why? It was either the kid didn't come, or Rachel be very inconvienced by having to get him and why should Rachel have to come all the way out by me to get him when he's on my way...same with the Wednesday pick ups! SIGH. It will just take a couple weeks to adjust too...I'm just venting at the moment, it's really not that big a deal. I just felt like I spent Tuesday and Wednesday running around like a chicken with my head cut off, from 4pm-9pm.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The new church

A little history: I was raised in 3 churches...birth-8 (super huge), 8-14 (tiny) and 14-18 (medium). I was raised with church being a sense of family and loyalty and obligation. Some BAD things happened in church that made me not want to be part of it. When I turned 18 and was on my own, I went all rebellious and got into a lifestyle NOT SO CHURCH WORTHY!!! I mean I went crazy! Other then holidays with the family, I didn't go to church again til I met David. After we moved from California, we didn't attend again til David's father and WACKO step mother sent a church after us. It was a nice thought, but we purposely didn't go out of pure rebellion. One summer when David was deployed, I did this "church hopping" thing. I took Ben to several vacation Bible schools. The last one we attended was the one up the street that David's family "sook" after us! Well, it was okay, I didn't see anything wrong with it. I knew the Pastor and his wife and daughter and my friend Rachel and her family went there, so it was comfortable and it was 4 doors away, so convienent! We have been at that church ever since...about 5 years. Last year, we finally decided we wanted to become members. We felt called to be more permanent, grounded, and be more then just "attenders", we wanted to help. BOY was that a mistake!!!! Several things happened and well, we just know it's not for us. Although, we still love the Royal Rangers and Missionettes program are staying commited to that. BUT, we knew we needed and wanted to find a new SUNDAY church, where are are fed spiritually and encouraged to thrive, not held down. But we're lazy too and haven't been "scouting churches". Well Chris and Bonnie invited us to attend with them during thier visit, so we did.
Sunday, January 18, 2009 we visited a new church, and it turned out well. First thing I noticed is there are two teachers per clasroom for the kids. This is important for me, as it creates accountability and a safer environment. There weren't too many kids, but not too few either. There was a good mix of ages in the congregation, as a large teen group. The songs were hymns and upbeat too. It wasn't too formal nor too casual. The message ("Fellowship") spoke right to David and I (we each thought this, but didn't know it til we got home and discussed it). The pastor is a Dr. in roughty estimating his late 40's. Afterwards, we were greeted by tons of people. I filled out the info card, the test-will they contact me? Afterwards there was a fellowship lunch, and Bible study, which everyone encouraged us to attend if even we didn't want to stay for the Study. Ben liked it, remembered his teachers name and what they talked about and wants to go back too. Now THAT is impressive! LOL. Our two families were seperated at lunch, since we got to the lunch late, with all the socializing in the sanctuary. More people came up to us at lunch, everyone as so nice. Turns out there are several other homeschooling families and military familes in the congregation. I left feeling pretty impressed. Yet at the same time-skeptical.
Wednesday, I recieved a letter in the mail from them. Not only typed, but handwritten as well by thte pastor himself. Then Saturday, I received a call, asking if they could come over to deliver the "information about the church" that I requested in the visitor's card. I told him that we were probably going to attend the next day, so it wasn't neccessary, and I asked him a couple questions. There is a Bible Study starting Feb. 8 for sunday nights...several are offered, but I'm interested in the "Fireproof your marriage" one. Turns out, the guy that called me, is the one teaching it (and his wife). The next test...a second visit.
We attended the new church a second time (Jan. 25-yes I'm back blogging as usual!) and I am even more impressed! The kids were being restless and so we made them go to class this time. It was heartbreaking-Christianna bawled. Turns out, it only last 30 seconds! They didn't want to leave when we came back to get them!!!! LOL Shanndon is going to "be brave" and go in the "big kid class" next week! The message ("The Sanctity of Life"-for the anniversary of Roe V. Wade) was phenominal and really spoke to me, I was in tears practically the entire time! At lunch, more people greeted us, the pastor came up to us and said how great it was to see us again. I told him I had spoke to a man who was teaching the Marriage class, and he then got him and introduced us. The congregation has just floored me! Someone even noticed one of our kids was missing! Ben was at a friends house and didn't attend this week.
We are new here, don't know anyone! In fact, I've been scouring the congregation for an inkling of a familiar face! This is a whole new scenario for me and really quite scary and overwhelming for me, yet exciting at the same time. We did ask some friends if they knew anything about this church and thier opinion about it. They had good things to say. So we'll see. This "new church" does a program called Awana, which I'm not to into. It's more memoriztion and competition, rather then skill like Royal Rangers or Pioneers (that I grew up in), so we'll keep Royal Rangers and Missionettes.
Is this our new church? We're willing to put some time into and find out. Will keep you updated! :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inlaws January 2009 visit

Chris and Bonnie were suppose to come back and visit the first week in January, but Chris came down with the flu. If he was better and no one else got sick, they'd come up "Martin Luther King weekend", before his school started (Friday-Sunday). Monday before MLK weekend, Bonnie's step grandmother passed away. The funeral was Friday, so then the plan was to come Saturday about noon-Monday about noon. They didn't arrive til 6pm, Saturday. They left about 11AM, Monday.

It was a good visit. Not as exhausting as the last. Probably cause I'm doing a lot better and I'm a lot more healed. Also, it wasn't as mentally and emotionally strenuous. We barely saw the kids all weekend! The cousins all played so well together! Chris said it's like Disney World for them here. It was great, they could take thier kids home and deprive them and then they'd really appreciate it here! LOL. I will admit we have just about anything for any age that has ever been made! LOL.

Chris said they wanted to attend a church here and they'd like to encourage us to come along, but wouldn't make us. So, we all tried out a new church. I hate to admit it, but he picked a good one. We think we've found a new church home. Will blog about that later. Sunday after church, David and Chris went to Walmart to get thier car fixed, Chris' car was messed up. Bonnie and I talked all day, it was very nice. Kids played very well. I cooked a roast in the crockpot-put it in before church, then came home and cut up and added veggies. They loved it. The whole weekend was very uplifting. Both Chris and Bonnie just flattered me to death! Went on and on about the cooking and guest accommodations. I have to say, it was quite the ego booster! Makes me feel up for hostessing again! :) David did the breakfasts and I did the dinners.

I had bought "Slime" on Friday night. Sunday afternoon all 6 kids sat at the table playing slime! It horrified Bonnie! She hates messy and crafty stuff! LOL. The kids were covered to thier elbows. They had "flung" slime onto the walls and dropped it on the carpet. It came off! It was fine. My kids love all that messy stuff. They play Playdoh for HOURS! And you should see them go to town with GOOP (cornstartch and water mixture)! I do messy stuff all the time. :) She just laughed and said she was glad it was me and not her. And pondered about how I could handle it. I just went behind them and cleaned, that's all. I don't care.

Before they left, Monday morning, I had Bonnie trim my hair straight across the back, just to even it out. Then we got group pictures of the kids. It was a very nice visit.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dandi Flower

Dandi Flower arrived today. She bit and peed on David as soon as she got in the door! LOL. That night, my inlaws arrived while I was out and she bit and peed on David again! My sister in law adores the dog and wants her for herself (but they can't have animals in campus housing). Bonnie actually taught us (from watching the "Dog Whisperer"?!) how to "control" the dog. It's working! Dandi is now doing very well. No accidents, no biting. Her and Sky get along great. In fact, it's made Sky more active! They run up and down the halls and play around. It's real cute. The kids love having a little dog and carry her around. I went out that night and got her a pink leather collar with "diamonds" on it. She'd never worn a collar before! I also got her a dog bed and pink leash. She got out of the yard once, there was a big gap under the gate and she just went right thru it. So, David put bricks there and we've not had a problem since. She's the type of dog that follows you everywhere and lays at your feet and the second you lay down, she's cuddling around your neck. She is a chewer though. She's chewed up several toys, even though she has her own toys and we give her bones. We kennel her at night and when we leave the house. She barks at the guinea pigs whenever she's in Ben's room, they don't even flinch though. It's like they know they are protected in a cage. She also barks at and chases the cats, even though she's smaller then them!!! They rarely come up from the basement now. Shadow comes in my room at night-I guess he knows Dandi is kenneled. Both Majix and Shadow come flock to the kitchen in the morning for thier "wet food", while Dandi is outside. I feed them in bowls on the table. Once Dandi comes in though, off to the basement they run! Dandi sits at the top of the stairs barking for about 30 seconds, then off to play again. Poor cats! LOL. I guess eventually they'll all get used to each other. She's eating just fine too. The previous owners said she ate mixed dry and wet food, but she hasn't had any wet food since being here. She immediately started eating the dry and has been fine, so why mess with it? LOL I haven't made time to call vets to find prices and appts. for getting her spade yet. My neice wants to mate her male dauchshand with our female. I dunno though. Could be a lot of trouble. David asked me last night if I was still happy with my little "Paris Hilton" dog, as she was curled around my neck. I just smiled and said yes. I really didn't realize til now, just how big Sky is!!!!!!!!!! He feels gargantuan!!!! Especially, the several times that they are both under my feet! Hmmm, 70 lbs. versus 7 lbs.!!!! LOL. I think this was good decision. Everything's going great! She hasn't bit anyone since the first day. And, I think David even kind likes the "rat infestation". ROFLMAO.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another baby for the Koopmans family

Another baby for the Koopmans family...can you believe it? I hardly can, but I'm so excited! It is fate! I totally believe in "if it's meant to be, it will be". I was browsing craigslist "free" category this evening and saw "Mini Longhaired Dachshund (Wichita, KS FREE)" with a picture. I've always wanted a small dog. So I called David and showed him the pic and asked if I could respond. He said, "sure". So at 7:24pm, I did-sent the person an email describing our family and how we have a 1 year old dog that I'd like to get a friend for and how I've always wated a small dog and she'd be mine, and that we live at McConnell Afb and I'm a stay at home-homeschooling mom (showing I have time for her) and that hubby is Air Force. A bit later, I went back to the "free" category and the listing was gone. I thought, "oh darn, they found a home already (therefore removing the ad), oh well, it wasn't meant to be." So, I continue with my browsing different categories on craigslist and checking email (I've had a big productive day and haven't been online for hours! So, I was reveling in down time!). So at 8:23pm, our phone rings for the first time today. We didn't recognize the name on the caller ID, but David answered and handed me the phone. The woman says, "Hi, I'm ---". I said, "okay". SHe said, "the one with the miniature longhaired dauschand, you replied to on craigslist". I said (completely shocked!), "oh okay, hi! yes." Turns out, the girl is former AF and had been deployed with David once and her hubby used to work with David. They are moving to Spain (so can't/don't want to take her with) and her children are little (3 under age 4) and trample and are too rough with the dog. They are bringing her by tomorrow! Dandi Flower is 10 months old (she'll be 1 yr in March). She's not fixed yet, but has not been in heat yet either. She's microchipped and up to date on shots and all records are already at the base vet! She's got AKC papers (although not yet registered, as the owners weren't planning on breeding her). She's crate trained, house broken, ,and completely spoiled! I'm so excited-although she probably won't be as spoiled here. LOL But I do plan on keeping her kinda spoiled ;) I have to go buy a pink diamond leash and collar now!!!!!!!! Okay, gonna go do research on our new baby!!!!

Bottomless Pit

Holy Crap-my 2 year old daughter has become a bottomless pit! She's constantly hungry! She even wakes up in the middle of the night hungry! What the heck? Then on top of that, shes a picky eater, so she ends up wasting half of everything I give her! Could there be something wrong with her? Or is this just a "growth spurt"? Crimeny! I'm going to have to give her up for adoption, cause I can't afford her food bill! LMAO-just kidding, geesh.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

8 week post surgical update

Well, It's been a while since I updated, so here goes...

November 20, 2008-I had a middle body lift (belt lipectomy) This Thursday is the end of my 8th post surgical week. I am WAYYYYYYYYYYYY better then any other updates!!!! I do still swell if up too long, so I do need to lay down and rest periodically thru the day, but barely any pain. The only pain I'm in really is the occasional, twinge or burn, or pull if I move a wrong way. Most my resting is due to lack of stamina, or excess of swellig. I have to wear this "body shaper" thing (goes from my breast bone down to my knees!) for 6 weeks. The doctor was very happy at my Dec. 31 appt. I will go back February 11 for my "after" pictures. We had David's brother and family here before Christmas and then David's dad here for Christmas and after. I had so much activity and "hostessing" and events that I ended up laid up from Christmas afternoon and for the following 4 days! The kids really enjoyed thier visit with thier Papa, but I ended up in bed nearly his whole visit. LUCKILY, he's very understnading and I warned him before hand and he was completely understanding and empethetic! I have been able to do a lot more in the way of house keeping and taking care of the kids. Even though I don't like driving-I am now driivng again-as of Jan. 5. As of January 6th, I returned to teaching at church. I went to the YMCA for a bit tonight (for the first time since August!) while Benjamin was at Royal Rangers. I walked at a pace of 2 mph, on a 3 incline fo 20 minutes, then did 2 minutes of elliptical (ONLY 2 min!!!), then a few reps of back press, leg and arm presses. I attempted to do an AB press, but the first one seemed "too light" for me, so I upped the weight and realized it was too much, but contined to try, so a total of 3 and had to quit...I hurt myself a bit, so i gathered the kids and left (it was time to pick up Ben anyway). I'm going to try to make it to the gym every Tuesday (except next week as Ben has a presentation that night!) while Ben is at RR and every Wed. before church, even if just to "go" there, even if I don't take classes-to get in the routine and walk for a bit. I am definitly ready to get my energy and strength back. Also would like to get into a morning Y workout routine too, BUT, little at a time I guess. Heck I can't even get motivated to make it ot the driveway to get the morning paper yet! LOL. Anyway, I'm not "all better" or back to normal, but there was a definite change in week 6 and things are definitly on the positive road. I still wouldn't do it again, or recommend it, but I'm doing a lot better :) Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers and friends that have helped our family. More bragging on the family...David and the kids have been wonderful. I barely survived the holidays and could not have made it thru the last week of 2008 if it hadn't been for my awesome, wonderful, and super supportive husband. I was laid up for a few days after relatives left. So that's my recent update! I'll keep everyone posted.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


For the last 8 weeks-since November 20 when I had my surgery-if I've worn clothes at all, it's mainly been pajamas/tshirts/sports bras and underwear. Now it's time to get back to real life. This week I have had to "get dressed for real" everyday. When I look in my closet for what I'm going to wear, I'm faced with a big dilemma!!! One side of my brain says, " I want to wear this big comfy frumpy sweatshirt (or something of that nature)". The other side says "I just spent $14,000 that I'm going to be paying onthe rest of my natural born life and spent 8 weeks with many more to go in complete misery-show off!" So, this week I have been paying close attention to what I've been wearing. I've been wearing shorter shirts that shows the "flat" of my tummy and don't cover up the zipper and butt. The shirts are tighter too, to show off the "flatness". These things are not my style! They are not comfortable! I don't feel I can lounge around in them. I come home and immediately STRIP and put on a PJs or big 3X shirt! Isn't wearing big comfy clothes associated with shame and wanting to cover things up and hide things? I don't want to hide things, but I do like big loose clothes?! UGH! So what's everyone's opinions? Do I sacrifice comfort for trying to look better? (David has certainly liked my "looking good" efforts-which makes me want to do it more-but-it's not comfortable!) Is it just something I need to get used too? Will I eventually feel this is my style? Will I eventually like the clothes? If that's the case, I think I could stick it out, I've done all this misery so far?! Or do I give up and say, hey this is me and wear the big oversized 1,2,3 X clothes on a size 6 body? Heck, it's nearly to the point that my drawstring on my sweats hang to my knees I have to pull them so tight to tie them to fit me. But they are so comfy!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know what's really suprising? My pants and jeans-although they removed 5 lbs of skin-are the exact same size. Quite disappointing really! The difference is before they had a big bulge in tummy and now they're flat! So...what should I do?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goals for 2009

Like most people, I have been thinkng of things I'd like to change about myself or life situation, in the new year. I haven't thought about them for a long time, and I don't really have a plan. I am not going to beat myself if I slip up either. All I can do is wake up every day and try to be intentional. It will be a daily goal, not a yearly goal. Here is my list, in no particular order:
1. Pay down debt and budget better
2. Attend the YMCA (which we pay an arm and a leg for each month and don't use!) and excercise at least 3 times a week.
3. Eat and drink healthier
4. Cook more/eat out less
5. Yell less/chill out
6. Develop a little bit more structure
7. Play with the kids more
8. Be less critical and negative/Be more positive
9. Smile and laugh more
10. Work on the marriage-learn David's love language and speak or do it more.
11. Clean and organize the basement
12. Get back to scrapbooking, take time for myself, take time to read and persue learning about things I am interested in.
13. Use my breathing machine
So, I hadn't counted til I typed it out, but that looks like a lucky 13! Some of these things aren't ready to happen right away. It will be a little bit before I'm ready to go back tot he YMCA and workout. I can walk and do a little bit of stuff, but I can't do the intense classes I had been involved in in early 2008! It would be nice though to put the kids in the kid zone and just walk on the treadmill for a while, alone or with a friend; or join friends for swimming. Also, some of them are already a work in progress; like the working on the marriage and taking time to learn about things I'm interested in and the "chilling out/yell less". I am hoping that by some things already being underway, and others not being ready yet, and that by waking up and being intentional every day, that my goals won't be hard to achieve nor seem so overwhelming. Wish me luck!

Not so great 2008

I have to say, I am looking very forward to 2009! I hate to say it, but 2008 SUCKED! Here is my recap and ending with 10 positives!
David returned home early from deployment in January, after having gotten in trouble and losing a stripe, which cost our family $800 a month in pay and benefits, plus a $500 fine on top of that and also put his career in jeopardy! This happened after I took the family in December with our exchange students on a very expensive trip to Chicago that I couldn't afford anyway, because I hadn't seen my family in three years and I was home sick! They tell you that it's hard to reintegrate after deployment, but this had been the hardest deployment and reintegration yet! In February, I came down very sick, and it lasted on and off til MAY! I thought I was going to die! To my recollection, I had never been so sick, let alone for so long, in my life! March, I ended up getting so fed up with our exchange student, Maialen, that we demanded the agency find her another home, after her having been in our home for 6 months! Luckily, this ended up being the best decision for our family and, I believe Carolina our other student, that could have ever been made. I just wish we'd have done it sooner! In March, David changed jobs within the Air Force and it's a job that is done at the home base, so he's no longer deploying. This has allowed him to take classes and he's working towards his AirFrame and Power Plant license. Carolina's year with us as over in June and she returned home to Brazil on June 5th. On June 7th, my life was turned upside down by the sudden, unexpected death of my father, at age 59. We took another expensive trip to Chicago, David drove us up and spent 10 days with us, drove home to continue working, and came back in July to get us. It is very painful to be so far from my family! David was allowed to reenlist in July! So he can finsih his 20 year military career and retire. David and I were having a lot of marital problems. This year has truely been a test for our marriage! We returned home July 6th and on July 8th, moved into base housing. (LOVE IT!!!!!) I then spent the summer working vigorously to get a daycare up and running. After lots of hours, traveling from house to house, keeping 2 houses clean, classes, interviewing, purchasing furniture, kids miserable, etc., we had to come to terms with the fact that we could not go on any longer. I was not getting clients! I needed 3 kids to make my mortgage and expenses and I only had one. On. October 15th, we were blessed to allow a close friend and her family, to move into and rent our house. So now we live in one place! The kids are happier, we are happier, we were able to help friends out, and we're not in jeopardy of losing our house! November 20th, I proceeded to go thru with my dream of having a middle body lift (AKA Belt Lipectomy). While I thought this was a good thing, I quickly came to learn that I was ending 2008 in compelete misery. I am still recovering and things are better now...but I don't look back on the last 8 weeks of 2008 as pleasant!
I would like to end my look back on 2008 on a positivie note. Great things that happened in 2008...
1. My sister Theresa came to Chicago for my dad's funeral. I had not seen her in several years. ALL 8 of my parents living children were together!
2. Base housing. The kids all have thier own bedroom and private space in our 4 bedroom house. It's on a caldesac and 10 ft. from our back gate is a park. The kids are so happy, and we are happy.
3. David was able to reenlist.
4. David took initiative to better himself and his career by enrolling in college classes.
5. David and I began working on our relationship. We are in marriage counseling and working on our communication. Things have been going really well. He is communicating more. He has also taken initiative to go to personal counseling. We are learning each other's "love languages", we are learning to ask people for help (friends, family, counselors, etc.), and we are learning to communicate.
6. This year, I have had to learn to ask for help. I've had to ask friends to babysit, so I could attend classes and counseling sessions. I've had to ask for help, give up my pride, and realize that I can't do everything and not everything can be done perfectly. I've had to ask for help with moving. I've had to ask the father in law for help with finances. I humble myself and accept the fact that while I've been laid up for 8 weeks, the house is still standing and it's not a pigsty!
7. I have learned that I have some great friends! Many people put together meals for our family, so David didn't have so much work while I was laid up. Many people have babysat for us. Many friends have called, emailed, prayed, etc.
8. The hardest surgery is done and over with!
9. This is David's first year home with the little kids for Christmas!!!! He's usually deployed Sept/October-Jan/Feb. While we've had a "boring" holiday...it's been a wonderful holiday full of memories!
10. Last but not least, I am going to brag on my family. My husband and kids have been phenominally amazing!!!!!!!!! The kids have been patient, and understanding. They have been concerned and compassionate, gentle and sweet. David has been taking initiative, compassionate, understanding, sweet and vigilent through my surgery and healing process.